A Southern Naturalist Almanac

Friday, February 24, 2012

Mapping our potential

I have been hard at work over the last few years, trying to quantify the extent of the what's out there in in terms of place-based groups in Louisiana that are helping to preserve the natural and cultural quality of this great region. The following map is a recent addition to this project.

Information is vital to the work of making our special places and communities in Louisiana healthy and livable. Yet those who want to make a difference cannot do so without the literacy and tools necessary to get the job done. There are many groups and individuals that represent tremendous resources for the public, but they do not always communicate between one another. Many may not even be aware that the other exists.

The following map is intended for Southeast Louisiana citizens and community leaders interested in cultural and natural heritage conservation. The map is meant to help visualize the potential extent of our collective energies. Together, these organizations can help us understand where we're from and where we're going. 

These are the dots. It's time we start connecting them.

NOTE: If your group or center is not represented in this map or if you would like to become an active collaborator to this map, please contact me at matthew . s . herron @ gmail com (remove spaces).


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